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Pastors Gil and Grethe Delaney are graduates of Christ For The Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas.
They met at Bible school, fell in love and married in 1989. They have five children.

They’ve worked in administration and helps for Charles and Frances Hunter,
Dr. Hilton Sutton, Pastor/Evangelist Rodney Howard Browne,
as well as many other pastors and ministries.

They were set in as pastors of Equippers in January of 2010.


Pastor Gil had the privilege of entering heaven in October of 2019.

Pastor Grethe was empowered by God to not quit, not stop and not give up,

but to keep going forward, to love and to serve these awesome people of God.


“Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”


Jesus demonstrated what this means. 

He healed the sick, took authority over demons and demonic influences, pushed back darkness and carried out the will of His Father to the letter.


He NEVER used gimmicks to sway the minds of people. He preached a KINGDOM message with signs, wonders and miracles proving that His message wasn’t just another deception, philosophy or opinion.


Our deepest desire is to be like Jesus.


We don’t invent theologies to excuse or justify failure and powerlessness. Jesus has OVERCOME the world, and He has invited us to “come up higher” where we can experience LIFE from His perspective!


Jesus is the head of the church.


If we have made Jesus Lord of our lives then we MUST acknowledge that His will is our priority!


Too many Christians choose a church based on a list of preferences.


For example; is there a nursery, do they have a youth pastor, what style of worship music do they use, how old is the pastor, are the seats comfortable, are the services too long, etc.?


Mature Christians are "ASSIGNMENT" oriented. They go where the Holy Spirit leads them. Jesus went to the cross, and I’m certain there was nothing pleasant about that assignment!


At EOF, we understand fully that many, if not most, Christians do not choose a church based on assignment, but that’s what they will be taught once they get here!


Take a moment and ask the Holy Spirit where your next assignment is. If He leads you to EOF don’t expect to be entertained. Don’t expect to be coddled. Expect to GROW!


Weimar is a rural, farming community

located near the midway point between Houston and San Antonio on Intestate 10.


There is a deeply rooted Catholic influence here as well as many other denominations.


We feel strongly that God has established EOF here to be in place and ready for a mighty move of the Spirit.


When I find something anointed,

or full of life changing revelation 

I will put it here for your benefit.

 This is an excerpt of a live

worship service at Bethel Church

in Reading California.


"To Worship You I Live" - Steffany Gretzinger

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